Posted in Healthy Leadership, Uncategorized

Is anyone else ready for this decade to end!!!??? Shew! There were some moments when it almost took me out.
I have always been a task-oriented, goal-driven person.
Ten years ago, I found myself in the middle of an unexpected divorce, in the throes of single parenting and on the brink of bankruptcy. It felt like most of my energy was spent on just trying to survive. As the new year approached, I was emotionally drained and just couldn’t bring myself to sit down and write out a bunch of lofty goals and resolutions like I normally did. That year, I decided that instead of planning out all that I wanted to do, I would focus on who I wanted to become—as a mother, leader, friend, and overall human being. I determined to be a present and attentive mother, an available, life-giving friend, an authentic leader who operates out of vulnerability, and a generous, joy and peace-filled human.
These “becoming” goals prompted me to explore new practices and life rhythms that would help me become the person I envisioned. Things like sabbath-keeping, making time for fun and play, and intentionally building deep, reciprocal relationships with a few safe women. As an added measure of accountability, these friends and I regularly ask ourselves and each other the question, “Do you like the person you are becoming?” Some days I do, some days I don’t. Some days I feel like the kind and loving human I desire to be, and other days, I feel like an impatient crab.
A decade later, I have to say, I am still in the process of becoming. I believe we are all in the process of becoming. The question is, “who”?
The truth is, we don’t always get to choose our circumstances, but we can decide who we will become in the process. We can allow the storms and difficulties of life to cultivate things like frustration, bitterness, depression and anxiety, or we can choose to cultivate things like perseverance, peace and joy.
Maybe you are entering 2020 full of gusto and vision for all that you want to accomplish in the next decade. That is wonderful! I celebrate you! Go on and make that list and crush those goals! You got this!
Maybe you are entering 2020 feeling more like a battered soldier, using your last bit of strength to pull yourself into the evacuation vehicle. You are hanging on by a thread and hoping to finally leave that battlefield behind. Friend, I celebrate you. You made it! Go on and give yourself a great big hug. You are still here. Still fighting. You got this!
However and whoever you are today, as this decade comes to a close, I invite you to join me in reflecting on who you want to become in the next season of your life.
If you are up for the challenge, here are some ideas to help you unlock vision for who you will become in 2020.
Reflect on each of your key roles and relationships (You may want to consider adding your relationship with yourself and your relationship with God to the list).
- How have you been arriving in each of these roles/relationships? (For example, are you present and connected? Disconnected and distracted?)
- Picture the person you dream of being as it relates to each of your roles/relationships. In other words, who do you want to become? Write down the vision.
- When you think of the person you desire to become, are there currently any obstacles standing in your way? If so, are there adjustments that can be made to address them. (For example, with regards to your relationship with yourself, if one of the obstacles to becoming a person who prioritizes self-care is lack of time, are there shifts that can be made in your schedule or adjustments to how you spend your time?
- As you reflect on the person you desire to become, are you sensing any invitations to do something in response? (For example, implement a new practice, activity or routine.)
Additional Questions for Reflection
When you think about your current roles and relationships, are they life-giving? Draining? Are there people or activities you would like to spend more or less time devoted to?
Reflect on the past year or decade. What do you notice most? Were there any themes? How did you spend most of your time? Are there any changes to your rhythm or pace of life you would like make? If so, what?
Happy 2020, friends! Here’s to the process of becoming!
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