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Free Guide To

Emotionally-Healthy Leadership

We cannot lead people where we have not gone. You can come up with the best strategic plan, budget and org chart, but if you are not emotionally healthy as a leader, you will be limited in your potential and capacity to lead well. I hope that this guide will help you as you grow into your best self and lead others to become theirs.


Youtube Series

XGirls Series

If you have been involved in the commercial sex industry or are an ally, mentor or loved one to someone who has, we made the X Girls video series for YOU! We cover a variety of topics based on a survey from hundreds of fellow survivors to find common threads that each of us have had to deal with, navigate and unpack after having been involved in the commercial sex industry. The web series is free, but you can also purchase the accompanying workbook here.  

Free Guide

Getting Past Your Past

We’ve been called to a life of freedom, yet are often held back by the pain of our past. I know this because I have had a lot of “past” to overcome—from sexual abuse and rape, to working as a stripper under the control of my boyfriend/pimp. The healing journey isn’t always easy, but it is worth it. YOU are worth it! Join me in getting past your past by downloading this FREE guide.

Dreams redeemed Day images

Youversion Study

Dreams Redeemed

What do we do when our dreams seem out of reach or even shattered? Having overcome abuse and trauma, as well as the heartbreak of a divorce, I have been faced with this question again and again. Whether you’re facing the devastation of tragedy or loss, or the frustration of a long season of waiting, the God-dream for your life is still alive! Friend, it’s time to dream again. Join me in this 7-Day Devotional I created for YouVersion. Also available on the YouVersion App. 


Find Out With This 3-Minute Quiz

Are You Codependent?